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Transformation of fruits and vegetables from urban and local agriculture by and for people in precariousness

What ?

Investigate nationwide projects doing transformationby and forvulnerable populations offruits and vegetablesfrom shared gardens, integration gardens or surpluses/donations from local producers.

Precarious populations?

We are talking here about food aid beneficiaries, residents of emergency accommodation centres, inhabitants of priority areas of the city or people who are isolated or far from employment.


What transformation?

Of themealto be eaten on the spot or food to bekeepmore or less long of type: preserves, soups, jams, breads, dried fruits...

Why ?

  • Act on food security and ensure nutritional needs, particularly in fruit and vegetables (foodstuffs often absent from food aid)

  • Acting on the empowerment of populations: allowing everyone to reclaim their food

Identify the main actors and make acensus of these practicesat national scale

Capitalize to swarm: identify the main issues, the difficulties encountered and the main levers

​Networkingthese actors and follow some in their project implementation

  • Access to premises for cooking (shared processing laboratories, mobile kitchens and canneries)

  • Supply of local products: logistical and economic obstacles 

  • TheHACCP standards(food safety management process)

Three types of projects relating to this area have been identified and will be studied in more depth:

1.     Thecooking workshopslinked to shared gardens or surpluses from local producers (mainly organized by associations, solidarity grocery stores and social centres).

2.     collective kitchens/ shared neighborhood canteen type. It is a question of grouping purchases to cook together and thus reduce costs and get out of isolation (these projects are few in France but work very well in Canada cf.collective kitchens)

3.     integration projectsof the solidarity restaurants or canneries type using products from back-to-work gardens or local products and where the sale is made at a solidarity price.

The study, initiated in November 2018 and completed in March 2020, gave rise to a report, a summary note and 10 project sheets that you can consult and download.

Lines of thought are being explored to imagine follow-up to this work.

Study objectives

Main issues

The results

Map of the projects studied and associated files


Crédit : Chaire Agricultures Urbaines 2024

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